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Results for: saflager


Rahr Technical Center Brews Experimental Beers for CBC 2024

Good day, Friends and Fermentation Enthusiasts. This year’s Craft Brewers Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, is bound to be unforgettable. To ensure the best damn booth experience a beer conference attendee ever encountered, Brewers Jake Thompson and Sean Tynan of the Rahr Technical Center have put together an absolute banger of a beer lineup for […]

Yeast Selection for Oktoberfests

Even though it’s midsummer, it’s not too soon to start planning fall seasonals – for many, this might mean something with pumpkin, but for traditionalists it’s a classic Oktoberfest.

What Would a ChatBot Brew with Choice New Zealand Hops?

BSG and a Recipe Robot collaborate on a brew featuring Nectaron, Motueka, and more.

Simplify Fermentation with Fermentis Active Dry Yeast

There’s a scene in Shakespeare’s Henry V where King Henry asks his tired troops to rally, to charge “once more upon the breach” and keep fighting for England.   There’s another scene right after that one where a guy named Boy says he’d rather be relaxing in a London alehouse instead of fighting the French. “I […]

Is Belgian Pils About to Have Its Moment?

Not Czech. Not German. Not Italian. Belgian.

Doppelbock, the perfect winter beer?

The days are getting shorter, the air a little cooler and the trees have nearly shed all their leaves. Yes, it would seem despite our best efforts, winter is coming. And what better way to blunt the frozen fist of Jack Frost than with a pint of beer? But not just any beer will do. […]

It’s Time to Brew that Oktoberfest!

Whether you’re sticking to the Reinheitsgebot (German Purity Law of 1516) or want to make your own twist on the Oktoberfest Märzen style lager, BSG CraftBrewing can provide you with the ingredients you need to brew this long-time enjoyed beer. So, unless you’ve stuck to German tradition and have had your Oktoberfest already aging in a cave or cellar to be enjoyed at the end of summer, then you better get to brewing!

A row of liter mugs full of Helles

Let Yourself Be Advised, Drink Helles

Coca-Cola was first sold in bottles in Vicksburg, Mississippi, on March 12, 1894. Just nine days later on March 21 of the same year, the Spaten Brewery of Munich, Germany, debuted something quite different: The world’s first Helles lager.   Today Coca-Cola claims to sell over 1.9 billion servings of their dark soft drink each day. […]

Czech Lager Checklist: Styles, Strengths, and Burning Questions

“Blessed is the mother who gives birth to a brewer.” – Czech Proverb The late journalist and beer writer Michael Jackson once said, “Extra trouble and extra time are the hallmarks of Czech brewing.”   In his 1989 Discovery Channel television special “The Bohemian Connection,” Jackson travels across parts of Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic, and […]

The Chilly & The Crispy – What’s A Cold IPA?

It’s common in the craftbrewing industry for new trends to emerge from the creative brainwaves of brewers. One of the latest emerging trends however, has left people scratching their heads. Meet the Cold IPA.

IPA Is Still Cool, Right? Cold IPA Revisited

Since we first wrote about Cold IPAs a year ago they’ve become much more common on taplists, retail shelves, and in the beer blogosphere. This summer we’re coming in hot to revisit Cold IPA: what it is, what it isn’t, and what makes it go. What it is Cold IPA fuses classic West Coast IPA […]

Style Profile: Mexican Amber Lager

On one side of the beer fridge you have your Vienna Lager. It’s brewed with the finest Vienna and Munich malts for a dry and malty body balanced by firm hop bitterness. Developed in 1841 after Anton Dehrer outfitted his Austrian brewery with an English-style kiln, it’s the original amber lager. Over on the other […]