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Weyermann® CARABELGE®

Weyermann® CARABELGE® is a drum-roasted caramel malt made from two-row German barley that can be used to deliver mild and restrained notes of caramel flavor and aroma, while also imparting notes of dried fruits and nuts.

weyermann carabelge
Color °Lovibond
Extract FG Min
Moisture % Max
Usage Rate
Up to 30%


Weyermann® CARABELGE® is a drum-roasted caramel malt made from two-row, German barley that can be used to deliver mild and restrained notes of caramel flavor and aroma, while also imparting notes of died fruits and nuts.  With a lower Lovibond, it imparts a honey-colored hue to the finished beer.

Suitable for Belgian style beers like Blondes, Bruins, and Ambers, as well as Triples and Dubbels.