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German Ariana Enriched Hop Pellets

Enriched hop pellets. Aromatic hop with fruit, berry, and citrus notes coupled with resinous and herbal back tones.

Generic hops product imageArtboard
Alpha Acid Range %
Total Oil mL/100 g


Breeding/Development: Germany. Bred at the Hüll Hop Research Center, Ariana is a cross between Herkules and a wild male hop.

Brewing Application: Enriched Hop Pellets can be used anywhere T-90 pellets would be incorporated, but are ideal for aroma, whirlpool and dry hop additions. Due to the higher concentration of acids and oils in enriched pellets, hop charges in many recipes can be reduced by approximately 50% vs. T-90 pellets or whole hop cones. We recommend conducting trials to determine the optimal usage rate for your formulation.

Sensory: Fruity, with intense berry character of black currant and gooseberry. Citrus high notes (particularly grapefruit) with slight resinous and herbal tones.

Enriched Hop Pellet INFO SHEET