Triumph Hops Officially Released By USDA
Triumph, a new public hop variety developed by the USDA and growers in the Pacific Northwest, was officially released by the USDA this month. The Hop Growers of America featured Triumph as one of two public experimental selections at the 2019 Craft Brewers Conference, including the seminar discussing the public hop breeding program.
Triumph was first grown at the USDA hop research facility in Corvallis, OR and has a noteworthy pedigree that includes Nugget, Brewers Gold, East Kent Goldings, and Hallertau Mittelfrüh. Intended as a higher-alpha (approx. 9-12%) aroma variety with high myrcene and humulene content and low cohumulone, Triumph brings strong fruity notes (citrus, stone fruit) with secondary notes of spice and pine.
RahrBSG Hops currently has 2018 crop Triumph for customers to trial – please contact your sales manager for more info!
As to how this hop got its name, the HGA relates: “Dr. John Henning (plant geneticist at the USDA who helped develop the variety) happens to like Triumph motorcycles!”